Monday, May 23, 2011

Self Watering Containers

The squash seedlings seem to be doing pretty well. The one that I'm most excited about is a butternut called Betternut 401. I had high expectations for it because of the name but so far it has been a slow starter. It's the smallest one in this container.

It was the last to sprout and is smaller than all of the others. I love butternut squash soup so I'm hoping that it catches up soon. It's sharing this container with a green and a yellow zucchini.

This container has a variety of acorn squash. They are getting to the point where I can no longer postpone culling the weaker seedling. I should just buckle down and do it. They seem to have settled in well and look ready to put on a burst of growth. We've had cool, cloudy weather lately but it doesn't look like it is inhibiting them.

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